Easy Elegance®

Do you love roses, but hate the risk? Roses have a reputation for being time consuming and labor intensive to grow. It can be true depending on which rose you select but the newer roses don’t fall into the category of “hard to grow”. Over time, we’ve seen great strides in the science behind the rose bush. Disease resistance, toughness, and reblooming ability have all been strengthened and made rose growing rewarding for novices. Knockout roses revolutionized the shrub rose into a plant that is a must have for landscapers and gardeners everywhere. Now here comes the Easy Elegance® rose. Also a shrub rose but with plenty of hybrid tea rose bred in, Easy Elegance roses have those big hybrid tea blooms with great colors that rebloom all season. The hardiness and toughness are inherited from their shrub rose relatives. This means you can enjoy that classic rose look with an easy maintenance plant. No pruning that you don’t want to do except for shaping!  Since these are not grafted roses, even harsh winters that freeze the base won’t destroy this rose.


Numerous delightful apricot blooms cover this compact mounded shrub rose. Dark glossy green foliage. Recurrent double blooms promise color throughout the season. An ideal accent for the garden or foundation planting. ZONES 5-9KASHMIR

Resembling a hybrid tea rose, the velvety red blossoms are as soft as cashmere and beg to be cut for the vase. With an evenly rounded habit, Kashmir fits perfectly into today’s urban landscapes. Try this bold accent plant in the border, foundation or as a low hedge, hugging paths and walkways. ZONES 4-9HIGH VOLTAGE

Shockingly beautiful clusters of double yellow blossoms are held high on sturdy canes. Super clean foliage complements the fragrant blooms. Upright, vase-shaped habit will stand up in the back of the border or stand out as an accent. Portland Rose Society Best Shrub Rose 2010. ZONES 4-9YELLOW SUBMARINE

This lovely rose blooms out in lemon yellow clusters that then turn to soft yellow and then white. It becomes quite an atmospheric show with varying colors of yellow and white coming in waves all season. Plant this among your sun-loving perennials! ZONES 5-9COMO PARK

Great for beginners, this is one beautiful, tough rose. Como Park has consistently proven itself in Minnesota trials. Dark green foliage unfurls with a touch of red and stays clean all season long. Compact, rounded form will be covered from top to bottom in medium red, double blossoms. Plant in groups for a bright accent. ZONES 4-7SUNRISE SUNSET

‘Sunrise Sunset’ encompasses the best of both worlds. The petals are bright, fuchsia pink that morphs into a beautiful apricot color in the center. Wonderful as a groundcover rose because of its dense habit or can be used for everblooming mass plantings. Excellent in our cooler climate! ZONES 4-9