We are lucky enough to live in a beautiful part of the country with an abundance of mature trees lining our roads and our properties. We love our trees! One result of this is that many of us have the challenge of creating annual plantings with fewer flowers and colors. Or so we think! Annual containers and beds can be every bit as stunning in the shade and for some even more so. Three stars of the shade are highlighted for this container concept. Combine Coleus, Sweet Potato Vine, and Reiger Begonias for a great container! Place in shade, dappled sunlight, or morning sun. No afternoon sun!Coleus

Lots of colors and patterns available! Grown for its foliage it’s recommended to pinch off any flowers that begin in order to keep the foliage continuing to grow. Most coleus appreciate morning sun only, however, we do see some varieties that can withstand full sun but even sun-tolerant coleus can stay in the shade.Sweet Potato Vine

Sweet potato vine (ipomoea) is a fabulous filler in any container planting. It grows easily and profusely in sun. It grows a bit slower in shade but still has plenty of vigor. There are 4 or 5 colors but the main three are “black”, red and lime green.Rieger Begonia

We’re so lucky that begonias like shade or part shade. The colors and blossoms are nothing less than dazzling. Riegers come in pinks, oranges, reds, white and yellow. Some have bi-color flowers and some really seem to glow. No kidding!Plans for container designs using Coleus, Sweet potato vine, and Rieger Begonia