Hydrangea Paniculata ‘Bobo’
‘Bobo’ Hydrangea

When I saw Bobo bloom out with her first huge white flowers in June, I thought the compact, yet dramatic form was not unlike a ballet tutu upside down. Out of curiosity, I quickly grabbed one of my art books and flipped the pages to Degas. Sure enough, when I looked at the painting,  The Rehearsal, I saw why I had made the connection. The light in my garden was just right and Bobo was so packed with flowers I almost saw no green.

You would think the story would end here. Well, the weeks went by. Each time I observed the beautiful color changes on Bobo’s stems, I would again reach for my book. Now her blooms were the color of the dancer’s skirt in The Star!

Interesting, but I went on with my gardening. Then September came, and yes, Bobo was still full of flowers. Now, I was impressed and delighted. I looked at the color! I saw a gorgeous array of various salmon pinks, dark and light. And of course, I perused Degas’ paintings once again. There it was in Ballet Scene. Bobo had the same color and exuberant tutu of flowers.

This season I’ll wait for a little breeze and enjoy Bobo dancing in my yard without running inside to my bookshelf.

Click here for cultural information about ‘Bobo’