Allium – Ornamental
Colors range from white to deep purple. Blooms in late spring, early summer.

Allium – Garlic


PNW native plant. Naturalizes well. Likes moist soil. Blooms in May/June.

Fall blooming within a few weeks of planting!

Large range of colors. Blooms late March/early April.

Range of yellows, oranges, and whites and combinations. Blooms in April.

Fritillaria – Meleagris
Likes filtered sunlight. Blooms in April/May.

Fritillaria – Imperialis
Flowers atop 3′ stems in April/May.

Grape Hyacinth – Muscari
Colors range from white, many blues & purples. Blooms in April/May.

Comes in wide range of colors. Blooms in April.

Iris – Bearded
Easy to grow. Wide range of colors. Blooms in late spring.

Iris – Specie
The original wild iris. Only 6″ tall, they bloom in early spring.

Lily – Asiatic
Blooms in June/July. Plant with Oriental lilies for ongoing blooms.

Lily – Oriental
Best planted in the Fall. Blooms in July/August.

Colors include white, yellow, orange and combinations. Blooms in April.

Snowdrops – Galanthus
Likes filtered sunlight. A late snowfall won’t bother snowdrops. Blooms March/April.

Snowflakes – Leucojum
Likes dappled sunlight and tolerates moist soil. Blooms in May/June.

Scilla – Squill
6″ tall and brilliant blue or lavender. Blooms in early spring.

Huge range of colors, sizes, and bloom times.

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