Application Jun 10, 2012 | Blog Faddegon's Juried Holiday Market Vendor Application 2018 Name* First Last Category* Business Name* Email Enter Email Confirm Email Phone*Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State ZIP / Postal Code Website Business Facebook Page Business Instagram Site Provide a brief (2-4 words) phrase that describes your work. If accepted, this brief description may be used in print and online promotional materials where space is limited. The phrase should tell people at-a-glance, what kind of work you will be selling. (For example, "wheel thrown pottery", "honeysuckle baskets", "soaps and lotions", etc.) Provide a one paragraph (4-5 sentences) biography of the maker(s) or business. If accepted, this statement may be used for publicity and promotional purposes.Applications from all vendors must be accompanied by five images (four (4) close-up examples of your work and one (1) of your display booth). All work must be hand crafted and that of the applicant. Commercial products are not accepted. Please upload images below. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, doc, Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 5. Names of individuals helping with your booth If you need Faddegon's to provide the following, please check. Electricity Water (for food concessions only) Did you participate in 2016 or 2017? Yes No CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Δ