Not everyone is thrilled with bold container plantings! There is a lot to be said for flowers that have a decidedly cheerful or romantic appearance. You will get romance with Calibrachoa because you’ll absolutely love this plant! Pick light colors for a tranquil look, brighter colors to bring on the cheer! This container will thrive in part or full sun.Calibrachoa (Million Bells)

It is very easy to see why the common name for Calibrachoa is “Million bells”. No explanation needed! This flower is the epitome of charm. The only problem you will have is picking out a color! Most of the best Calibrachoa hybrids come to us from Proven Winners who seem to add new varieties every year. Some have solid color petals while others are bi-color.Bacopa

More charm! Proven Winners has aptly named their varieties of bacopa the Snowstorm Series. The flowers are smaller than those of Calibrachoa and will also cascade. Bacopa grows well in any container in sun or part sun.Euphorbia

Like tiny little fluttering butterflies, this Euphorbia hybrid you will most often find in garden centers is ‘Diamond Frost’ from Proven Winners. This is an award winning plant with a big fan base! Plant it in part to full sun.Vinca Vine

Vinca vine has been around for a very long time and for good reason (in America since the 1700’s!). It tolerates sun or shade so it’s terrifically versatile. It can grow to a few feet long if unclipped. There are differences in coloration some of which are a softer green and cream color while others offer more of a green and white contrast. Either way, it is a wonderful plant for a container reminiscent of Victorian gardens.Plans for container designs using Calibrachoa, Bacopa or Euphorbia, and Vinca vine